Monday, February 23, 2009

flight of the whooping cranes...

Here is an interesting story that I came across as I was scanning the New York Times this afternoon... It is a very long article so I am just going to give you the link, but here is a short summary:

Operation Migration has been one of several organizations collectively trying to bring whooping cranes back to the eastern part of the continent. The whooping crane is reclusive and headstrong — it demands a square mile around its nest to itself — and consequently was one of the first birds to suffer as humans crowded into North America.  Whooping cranes learn the pattern of their migration from other whooping cranes, so this past winter Operation Migration took action.  They gathered 14 juvenile whooping cranes in Wisconsin and led them to their winter nesting ground down in Florida.  The amazing story is how they did it.  A pilot from Operation Migration is chosen to lead the whooping cranes to their nesting ground in a small single passenger plane, that is marked and colored like a whooping crane. (like seen in the picture)  It is truly remarkable!! 

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